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Are you a technology business with a passion to support the growth of UK manufacturing?


We are hosting a Technology Partner Recruitment Day on 8th August 2024 and would like to invite people and businesses that would like to engage with our members… progressive manufacturers with a desire to advance their technology journey that are based in the North of England and Wales.

We are looking to engage with technology providers that have a product or service that will enable small and medium sized manufacturing businesses to innovate and improve their productivity.

Why are we hosting a Technology Partner Recruitment Day?

The Manufacturers’ Alliance supports progressive manufacturing leaders based in the North of England and Wales with their growth ambitions and capability development. We are a supportive platform and community for manufacturers that enables ideas sharing, learning from each other and accelerating growth potential in a safe environment.

On 5th September 2024 we will be launching a new Technology & Innovation focused Peer Group to support intrapreneurs, changemakers and innovators that have a passion for technology and innovation. The leaders inside manufacturing businesses that have a passion for improvement and positive change.

Some of the topics we will be exploring with the new group will be…

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Robotics
  • Data capture and visualisation
  • Servitisation
  • Automation
  • Energy efficiency
  • Innovation models and practises
  • Design thinking

How the Technology Partner Recruitment Day works

You are being invited to take part in a pitch style meeting to demonstrate your technology and delivery style. This will be a 20 minute presentation that showcases the value you and your business will add to our members.

The day will be facilitated by Gary Sheader and Philippa Glover from the Manufacturers’ Alliance team, who will be there to support you on the day and help you to get the most from the session.

For Speakers that are successful (you and we both feel a mutual alignment), we will include you in our meeting schedule where you will be invited to deliver a 45-90 minute workshop. This will be with a mixed group of technology leaders from a range of small and medium sized manufacturing businesses.

Our ideal outcome from the Technology Partner Recruitment Day

We would like this to become more than just a one-off transaction. We are looking for people and businesses that want to grow with us and become partners with the Manufacturers Alliance moving forwards. People that have a passion for UK manufacturing and supporting technology leaders in becoming more effective in their roles.

People that we can pick the phone up to and chat through technology challenges and ideas. People that are happy to help educate manufacturers before they start to pitch ideas and solutions “at” them.

This is about much than helping technology providers increase sales and sell more stuff to manufacturers. This is about helping us to move the sector forwards together and building something special.

If this sounds like something that resonates with you. Please register to attend the speaker day, and we will look forward to welcoming you.

How to register

If you feel that being a Speaker for the Manufacturers’ Alliance is something you would like to consider, please register to attend the recruitment day here.

 Please note: Registration does not guarantee a slot on the day. We will work on a first come, first served basis and will do our best to include you but due to the demand on our Recruitment Days the time window may disappear quickly.

The Manufacturers Alliance is proud to announce the launch of an exciting new initiative: the Technology and Innovation Peer Group. Designed specifically for aspiring intrapreneurs working within SME manufacturing and engineering businesses, this peer group aims to foster collaboration, drive technological advancements, and ignite innovation within our vibrant manufacturing community. [Read more…] about Launch of New Peer Group to Support the Advancement of Technology and Innovation in Manufacturing

Do you feel like you are destined for more than the path you are on currently? Occasional daydreams of a different life, that in the moment of reflection feel possible. Working less, feeling healthier, changing your career, moving to a different area, finding a new hobby, making new friends or just taking a leap of faith with something different. Fleeting glimpses of a future you that is happier and living a fuller and more rewarding life. [Read more…] about How to Get Yourself Unstuck

Most of the big challenges affecting UK manufacturing right now are putting additional pressure on HR Leaders in the sector. Designing great long term people strategies, focusing on learning and development, and deploying the latest wellbeing initiatives are taking a back seat for a lot of HR Leaders, due to a number of key issues affecting the sector.


What are the key challenges affecting HR Leaders in UK manufacturing?

There are a number of common challenges affecting HR Leaders in the UK manufacturing sector. Some directly affecting the HR department, and others are more strategic where HR Leaders play a major role in supporting a positive outcome.

  1. Talent retention and acquisition. The war for attracting and retaining good people is affecting most sectors within UK manufacturing. Recruiting and retaining engineers across all disciplines, and roles with specific technical skills are the most challenging. HR Leaders are feeling the pressure and having to think of new ways of recruiting to secure the future of the business.
  2. Mental health and wellbeing. More than 1 in 7 UK adults are reporting their mental health as either bad or the worst it has ever been. With stress and mental health issues at a worryingly high level in the UK, this is affecting absenteeism, productivity and the general culture and feeling in businesses.
  3. Uncertainty and job security. Market uncertainty is affecting the majority of the UK manufacturing sector, which is causing many businesses to hold onto their cash and not invest or place orders. Businesses are destocking and holding back on capital equipment spend until they can see some light at the end of the tunnel. This is forcing some manufacturing businesses to make redundancies, but even those that are not people are worried about their jobs.
  4. Adapting to change and culture. Many HR Leaders are feeling the need to better manage change and help people in the business to adapt to new norms. Technology, automation, remote working, and DEI and just a few of the forces affecting people’s roles and the culture of the business. The manufacturing sector is not adapting fast enough, and HR Leaders are feeling the pinch of the barrage of change that has been thrust upon the sector of the past few years.

Trying to mitigate the challenges of high stress levels, retaining your best people, uncertainty about the future and a growing skills issue is taking up most of the day-to-day activities for a lot of HR professionals in the manufacturing sector. Having the right support infrastructure is a must during times of rapid change.

What are the major things affecting the HR role in your manufacturing business?


Support for Modern HR Leaders in the UK Manufacturing Sector

For HR Leaders that want to be on the front foot and tackle these issues head on, the Manufacturers’ Alliance has a support network of peer-to-peer learning groups, and 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring to help you through this phase of change.

Our HR Leaders Peer Groups meet on a 4-6 week basis, and are a safe and confidential platform for sharing issues and gaining support from other HR Leaders in the manufacturing sector on a similar journey to you. Rather than go it alone, you have a team of like-minded HR professionals that want to help you succeed and are on your agenda.

You can request details of the HR Leaders Peer Group here

Join us for a free taster at one of our next HR Leaders Peer Group meetings:

You will be surrounded by other HR Leaders that are facing similar challenges to you and have a can do attitude to moving things forwards. Take this opportunity to take a step back and learn what other like-minded HR professionals are doing to tackle the big issues in the manufacturing sector.

Contact us and attend a free taster at one of the meetings above. We look forward to seeing you there.

At The Manufacturers’ Alliance annual conference, 15th May 2024, our Founder and Managing Director Gary Sheader, presented what he feels are the 3 biggest challenges / opportunities that will affect the UK manufacturing industry over the coming decades. The things that we must do to evolve sustainably.

He kicked off his message to the room with… “the government will not save us”. If you are waiting for UK government to save your business with some magic pot of gold, you will be waiting for a long time. It’s not happening. It will need to be UK industry that leads us out of the situation we are in and towards a better future.

UK manufacturing will need great leadership if we are to evolve sustainably and address the big challenges ahead. We will need a commitment from business leaders to come together and work collaboratively. Making the future of business a force for good will require the change makers to roll their sleeves up and work together to tackle the big priorities.

The top 3 priorities Gary shared at the conference were…

1. Prioritising Sustainability

The climate crisis is having a devastating effect on our ecological system and is the greatest threat to all living things on our planet right now. There are many heroes who are publicly leading positive changes towards a better world, including Sir David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg, Yin Yuzhen, Isatou Ceesay and many, many more.

The climate crisis is such a big challenge, it can feel overwhelming. We ask ourselves, what can I do about such a big issue? And the answer is that we all can and should play our part in eliminating this threat for future generations. We can do this both personally and professionally by…

Reducing. Reduce our consumption of things we don’t really need and remove all forms of waste. Reduce the amount of the earths resources we are consuming. Reduce the amount of energy and fuel we consume. Reduce the amount of single use items we use and then throw away. Reduce food and material waste. Re-balance ourselves with nature and stop overconsuming.

Re-using. Re-use and repurpose everything we possible can – be creative and innovative. Re-use clothes, books, toys, and furniture by taking them to a local charity shop or selling them. Re-use boxes, containers and bags for multiple shopping visits. Re-use water bottles instead of consuming more resources. Re-use like ‘triggers broom’ (you will need to Google this one if you don’t know it).

Recycling. Recycle glass, plastic, metals, wood, paper and all things that can be recycled at your local recycling centre. Recycle food and garden waste via compost bins. Recycle all our materials and products and do what we can to create a more circular economy. Aim for a footprint that pushes zero towards landfill.

Educating. Educate yourself in the bigger sustainability picture and how we bring more balance to the planet. Gary Sheader shared his journey with educating himself on sustainability, “I’m learning like everyone else. Over the past 18 months, to educate myself, I have spent time with indigenous tribes from the Amazon, attended festivals, attended workshops, learned to forage, read books, listened to podcasts, watched documentaries and talked to people who have a passion for being more sustainable. I feel much more connected to nature and life on our planet as a result of educating myself. There’s a lot to do, but I love learning, so that’s OK.”

Businesses that have a strong bias towards sustainability and have embedded this within their culture have such a great time being creative with some of the ideas above. They are also educating their own families and friends on how to get better at being more sustainable. The world of business can have such a positive impact on our societies when we put the effort it.

Q. What could you do to lead a more sustainable life?


2a. Innovation

Businesses and teams that survive and thrive are the ones that understand the landscape they are operating in, and continually adapt to their environment. The greatest enabler for this is to make the time to understand your landscape and adapt. Creating the time and space to learn and innovate needs to be the norm in a modern industrial business.

Innovation becomes scarce in business when we stop committing the time to change and improvement efforts. We get caught up in the day to day, we cut back too far on resources, or we become fixed on what we expect from people and the system we operate in. Whatever the reason for not committing the time to changing things for the better, you are now moving backwards.

Great leaders of teams ensure that time is factored in for review meetings, improvement ideas, and keeping the momentum with change efforts. They appreciate the time and effort that goes into building momentum, and don’t want to lose the inertia once created.

Q. What is the greatest threat to the long-term survival of your business?


2b. Technology

Technology will play more and more of a role in our business and personal lives over the coming years (it already is), so understanding the technologies that are (and could be in the near future) affecting your business is key to a modern business strategy. Artificial Intelligence (AI), mixed reality (MR), robotics, automation, the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and interactive data visualisation software’s are just of few of the technologies that are evolving at pace and will affect the future of your business and its strategy.

We are within a perfect storm right now that could be hugely beneficial to industry and future generations if we get things right. But the time is now. There is a growing need for a faster pace of technology adoption in UK Manufacturing and industrial businesses, and pool of young talent that want to work with technology. We could capitalise on this and bridge the gap for young people into the manufacturing sector. A lot needs to be done, but it is achievable.

We also have a huge task to become more sustainable and rebalance ourselves with nature. Technology and future innovations could play a major part in eliminating the climate crisis threat if we committed the time and resources to making a difference here. A lot of business leaders are, be we need this to be the majority of business leaders to have the impact it needs.

Q. What is holding you back from being a technologically advanced business?


3. People & Culture

Business leaders have the opportunity to play a pivotal role in changing peoples lives and societies for the better. We could and should focus on creating cultures within our organisations that enable people to reach their full potential and live a healthy and meaningful life. Creating cultures with a community spirit that want to help each other and support local charities and causes. Imagine how amazing places like these would be to work. We could make this the norm.

We had Sir John Timpson speak at our annual conference on 15th May 2024, and he put a case forward that some business leaders feel you have two options in business.

Option A, operate in alignment with kindness and doing good and don’t make any money.

Option B, focus on the numbers and act like dick, and make lots of money.

Sir John and Timpson’s have proven that you can act from a place of kindness and make money. Their philosophy of upside-down management has proven it… much to the surprise of many who just don’t get it.

Workplaces can be a place of safety and community, and act as a foundation to a stable society. A place where people feel looked after, valued and part of a healthy team. Accepting our differences as opportunities to learn about each other, and deepen our understanding of people and culture.

To achieve this, we need leaders who care about people, places and the whole ecosystem they operate within. They need to have the will and the skill to create such a positive change in the world. The desire to want to bring people together and form a healthy community.

How would you describe the culture in your business?



Gary would like to conclude the article with a message to you…

“What I am pitching to you with this article is a calling. A calling to you as a business leader to accept this body of writing as an invitation to step forwards and accept the challenge to do the right thing. To hear this message as a rallying call for change, and although you don’t know the concrete steps to take, you will do what you can to lead your organisation and community towards a more sustainable future.”

Are you the kind of person that would stop and ponder the ad that famous polar explorer Ernest Shackleton placed in the newspaper for his high risk journey across the treacherous Antarctic? A journey that will be full of uncertainty, but at the same time will be full of rewards as we change the world for the better.

Are you the kind of leader that is up for the challenge? Because that’s what the world needs right now.

If this article resonates with you, feel free to get in touch and explore how you can join the Manufacturers’ Alliance movement.