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Emotional Intelligence Programme for Managers in Manufacturing

Join us on 22nd June 2021, 9:30am – 12:00pm for a virtual meeting, where we will be sharing an overview of our new Emotional Intelligence Programme. We will be sharing:

⦁ How emotional intelligence will be the game changer over the next decade.
⦁ What the new programme will cover and the benefits you can expect.
⦁ An open discussion on current people challenges.

The meeting will be facilitated by Juliette Yardley, who has an academic background in psychology and over 20 years’ experience within the field of applied positive psychology in the workplace. Juliette has a passion for helping people and teams thrive.

This new Emotional Intelligence Programme is for anyone in a managerial role that is looking to make a step change in their levels of self-awareness and how they build relationships and influence others. The course will bring together mixed groups of office and shop floor managers from a diverse range of businesses from the manufacturing industry.

What is Emotional Intelligence for Manufacturers?

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to know who you are, what your values and beliefs are, and your core motivators; your drivers. It’s knowing what triggers you in different situations and the patterns of behaviour that have formed as habits for you. It is understanding how you impact on others, the relationships you have and how well you relate to the people around you.

A lot of the core competencies required for manufacturing and engineering roles are developed based on logic, facts and science. Which is great. We need great engineers who can continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. But in a world where we need to interact with people and work effectively together, we need balance. We need to develop our emotional intelligence. We can all recognise that there are some people who seem to be highly intelligent yet lack the ability to form healthy relationships with others or do not recognise the impact they have due to their own behaviours.

Our programme is designed to help manufacturing people develop their levels of emotional intelligence and improve overall workplace relationships and team effectiveness.

“EQ is intricately melded into each and every decision and action within the workplace. Therefore, those with higher EQ typically successfully navigate the workplace more effectively. EQ enables an individual to build and drive successful teams and to be agile and responsive as needed. They, therefore, are successful.” (Source: Natural HR, 2017)

How do I find our more and join the meeting?

If this Emotional Intelligence Program is something of interest to you or someone in your organisation, please pre-register in advance of the meeting here:

After registration you will receive details to join the meeting and a copy of the brochure for the new Emotional Intelligence Programme.

Please Note: Our programme’s are for manufacturers only.

“TalentSmart tested emotional intelligence alongside thirty three other important workplace skills, and found that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58% of success in all types of jobs.” (Source:Travis Bradberry 2015)